Trying Too Hard
Great concept, awful execution. I have a few things to say about it. 1) It takes 2 minutes to load. I dont know if thats just my phone, but it is a nuisance. 2) Everything is too expensive. Expanding property especially. 3) Diamonds are hard to earn, and it takes forever to save them up. AND youre required to spend them for certain goals. I dont want to buy a tree for 12 diamonds for a reward of...1 diamond?? That doesnt make sense... 4) It takes too long to move forward. 2 hours to next photoshoot? Why?! Why cant I play now?! Its an incentive to spend diamonds to hurry the process, and in turn get in-app purchases. Its a giant, poorly-disguised cash grab. Im probably going to delete soon because Im definitely not going to put any money into this game.
CEHaid about
Runway Life, v1.25